Pre - Comp News (November)

Craig Nieuwstad

PreComp News

Pride, Discipline, Loyalty, Commitment & Respect


What’s happening 

After an exciting November, we are ready to finish off 2018 on a high note. There are a lot of events happenning & changes that will occur so please make sure you are up to date. Please remember that the U of R is closed and all PreComp will move to the Lawson. Click on the link to see the schedule for December.

We have our Black Vs. Green 3 that is running along side the Christmas party. We encourage all PreComp to attend the Meets. Your swimmer could achieve the Novice Graduate times and move forward in their swim journey. 

We also have a Team Building event at the Golden Mile Bowling. This will be a fun night and we would love to see everyone there.

There will be a Day Camp on 25 Jan. This is another great opportunity for your swimmer to learn new skills and advance themselves.

Congratulations to Ashton Mollard who achieved his Sask Novice Graduate time in both the 100 IM & 200 FR at the Black Vs. Green Meet 2.

Upcoming Events
Dec 4: All PreComp at Lawson (Schedule)
Dec 3: Poinsettia Fundraiser for Optimist Clubs of Regina (Link)
Dec 18: Bowling Team Building (Link)
Dec 18: Steak Night & Launch of Chase the Ace (Link)
Dec 21: Black & Green Meet 3 & Christmas Party (Link)
Dec 24 - Jan 6: No Training
Jan 25: Day Camp (Link)
Swimmer of the Month
Bronze (M/W): Congratulations to Joshua on being Swimmer of the Month. He has improved a ton and always tries his very best! Joshua is a excellent listener and is well deserved to be Swimmer of the Month. We can’t wait to see how much more he will improve!
Bronze (T/TH): Congratulations to Isabelle. She had great attendance and attitude. She always comes to practice with a smile on her face, and is always willing to listen and learn.
Silver: Congratulations to Brighton who has had an incredible level of positivity and always manages to brighten up my day. He is also a hard worker and has done an awesome job improving his kick this November. Great work Brighton.
Gold: Congratulations Jordan. Over the past month Jordan had good attendance, listened well and put max effort during the training sessions. His stroke has improved considerably and he had an excellent Black Vs. Green Meet.
Pre-Comp Lawson: Congratulations Gillian. Gillian was present at all the practices and gave her all all in every single one of them. She always wants to do more than asked for and she does it with a smile.

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