Pre-Comp News (January)

Craig Nieuwstad

PreComp News

Pride, Discipline, Loyalty, Commitment & Respect


What’s happening 

Welcome back. We hope everyone had a great Christmas break & first month of the year. Please note we have some coaching changes and move arounds. The staff for Pre-Comp is now:

Bronze (M/W): Jacup Lee

Bronze (T/TH): Brian Palaschuk

Silver: Ryan Jensen

Gold: Wawa Elbos

PreComp Lawson: Mitchell Hebert (M), Etienne Paquin-Foisy (T/TH)

Congratulations to Danika Singh, Cohen Kachmarski & Bingyin Geng who achieved their SwimSask Novice Graduation Time.

We are looking forward to hosting another Pre-Comp Black V. Green on Feb 8 at the U of R, and encourage everyone to attend. Not only does your swimmer get to show off their skills but they also get a look at how a swim meet runs and swim with Pre-Comp from Moose Jaw. Please click the link in the Upcoming events and sign up your swimmer.

On Friday Mar 1 we host our annual Georgina Syrgiannis Swim Marathon. This is an exciting night where swimmers help each other to see how far they can swim in 30 min. The pool is packed with swimmers from Bronze up to the Cougars. We again encourage you to attend and join in the fun and mingle with the competitive side of the club.

With our Pre-Comp swimmers striving to achieve the SwimSask Novice Time, please see the link for an article about missing the cut.


Upcoming Events
Feb 8: Black & Green Meet 4 (Link)
Mar 1: Georgina Swim Marathon (Link)
Mar 22: Day Camp (Link)
Swimmer of the Month

Bronze (M/W): Congratulations Luca on being February Swimming of the Month! Luca is an excellent listener and always working his hardest and being so kind to his teammates. Keep it going!

Bronze (T/TH): My swimmer of the month for January is Jane. Not only is Jane a great listener with a great work ethic, she puts those skills together and works diligently at applying her corrections. This focus is paying off with great improvement! Way to go Jane. 

Silver: Leisl earned swimmer of the month for her enthusiasm and great comprehension of the drills & stroke improvements asked of her during practice.

Gold: During this month Bingyin was giving 100% and was really focused on the work. She improved a lot and had a lot of motivation.

Pre-Comp Lawson: Becasue of his great work ethic and energy in practice Jordan Armstrong gets swimmer of the month.