PreComp News May

Craig Nieuwstad

PreComp News

Pride, Discipline, Loyalty, Commitment & Respect


What’s happening 

Welcome to the last month of Pre-Competitive for the 2018 - 2019 season. With just a few weeks left we are excited to end the season with a bang. First off on Monday 3 June we have a Parents Conference on Keeping Motivated presented by Coach Craig and immdeiately following we have Head Coach Tissira presenting about information for the upcoming season. On the 21 June we have our Developmental Gala for all Pre-Competitive at the Lawson. The Gala will include the presentation of certificates and lots of fun, which includes fun games, face painting and animal balloons. We encourage you all to sign up and attend.

Last Day of Pre-Compeitive is 21 June, but please take note we offer summer camps & would like to see everyone attend.


Upcoming Events
June 3rd: Information session 2019-2020 season (Link)
June 3rd: Parents Conference (Link)
June 21: Developmental Gala (Link)
July - Aug: Summer Swim Camp (Link) For Junior Dolphins, Fish, Pre-Competitive & some Prospect:
The Pool Belongs to Those Who Show Up
Why showing up to practice is important. Click on the link to find out.


Bingo: Bingos are another opportunity for parents to raise money for their fundraising account. Payout varies from $10- $20/hour and the funds go directly to your account. Working bingos is actually quite a bit of fun and it's a great way to meet parents! Please contact Michelle @ [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to work bingos. See more information on Rods Fundrasing opportunities.(info)

Chase the Ace Fundraiser @ The Broken Rack every Tuesday from 6-8pm.  Come out and support the Team and have a chance to win!! (info)  We still need  volunteers to sell tickets from 6-8pm on Tuesday nights. All volunteers receive a free dinner that night as well. Volunteers receive 10 points/session worked,  all sessions are posted on the event page for 2 workers to sign up.

Swimmer of the Month

Bronze (M/W): Eoghan Reilly! He has done such an amazing job listening to his coach and working the best he can! He always come with full of energy and is always ready to try something new or be helpful to his peers. Congrats Eoghan!

Bronze (T/TH): Maggie Elserafy. Her accommplishment this month has been improving her attitude & effort. Way to go Maggie.

Silver: Yiming Zhao. Yiming had an amazing month of training, working on correcting all of her strokes through the given drills. She is constantly has a positive mindset & is always ready to work hard. Great job this month!

Gold: Hank Lu. He has really improved his strokes, especially his freestyle. He always tries his best in practice and listens to the coaches intently. He has done a great job this month and has earned being swimmer of the month.

Pre-Comp Lawson: Joshua Beccera. Joshua has shown great progression both in listening & swimming skills during the whole month. His attendance has been the best too. 

Congratulations swimmers