The Mindset of a Champion

Head Coach

The Mindset of a Champion

Be your own CHAMPION

Be the best version of yourself


"Champions aren't made in the gym. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision" M.Ali

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Everyone has a talent. You are all talented, different ways, different ability or skills, but everyone is special.

What's your number 1 priority? 

Train it and trust it:

  • 1st step: is to train your talent in practice
  • 2nd step: Is to trust your talent in competition
  • 3rd step: Is to keep repeating the first 2 steps.

Mental toughness:

  • It's not a gift, you have to train it and face it every time. 
  • Hard work beat talent, when talent doesn't work.
  • Hard work, works

Team Togetherness:

  • Support each other
  • Bring your 100% each workout for your teammates. Bring people up
  • Body language. Remember, the champion act like a champion.



Discipline: Everyday process. 

His Mindset: It's not enough.........Big hand but not a massive, quick but not insanely quick. I was fast but not ridiculously FAST.

I don't have to say: "I wish I would have done more" 

Be the best version of yourself!!


What's your plan for this meet?