Head Coach

Dear parents and swimmers;

I know that there are many questions and concerns about COVID-19. We are aware of the situation and we want the best for our athletes and staff. We also want to do our part to reduce the spread of the virus 

We will follow the federal and the provincial health authorities, swimming Canada and Swim Sask for any restrictions. Our team just went to Winnipeg for the ManSask Championships, we were for the cancellation of the event as proposed by Swim Manitoba and Swim Saskatchewan, the team will be back home tomorrow. "I’m happy with the decision to keep our athletes, staff, and volunteers safe and healthy but said for our athlete's performance and their dream to be qualified for trials and national competition. But your health is our priority; stay focused on what we can control. For now, let’s back to the training" 

At this time, there is no indication from federal or provincial health authorities that swimming training needs to be canceled. However, we continue to monitor the situation and we will communicate with our members if there is any training cancelation or changes. 

For now, we have to do our part, wash our hands and sanitizer frequently. We will have a table with the sanitizer at the entrance of the pool. But we also ask to wash your hands before the entrance and if you feel sick, please stay home to reduce the spread of any type of virus.

Athletes are preparing Olympic Trials / Junior Pan Pac Trials and National Meet, please stay focused on your training and what you control.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Your Head Coach & General Manager


Swimming Canada News:

In light of the evolving global situation with the COVID-19 virus, Swimming Canada has been evaluating the feasibility of running the Olympic and Paralympic Swimming Trials as planned March 30 – April 5 in Toronto.
As always, participant safety is of paramount importance. Swimming Canada has been closely monitoring the situation, consulting with team physicians and experts from partner organizations. We recognize that other measures such as suspending scheduled events or running events without spectators, have been implemented in other jurisdictions.

We also recognize that swimmers and coaches have been working hard for months and years in preparation to be at their best at this exact time period to qualify for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Therefore, Swimming Canada’s senior staff are meeting regularly and exploring all potential adjustments to the Games qualification path that may be necessary to put the safety of our athletes, staff, contractors, volunteers and spectators at the forefront. This may include significant adjustments such as postponing the event to a later date.

Swimming Canada will respect the Government of Canada guidelines, and relevant provincial and/or municipal guidelines, with regard to any measures that may be implemented. As we await further guidance from our government partners, we expect to be in a position to update or revise our planning in the coming days as necessary. Until that time, we do not recommend making speculative changes to travel plans, etc.

In the event that Trials tickets purchased through Ticketmaster cannot be used as expected, Swimming Canada will work to issue refunds and/or replacement tickets as appropriate. The organization is also reviewing all other sanctioned meets for 2020, including the Eastern and Western Championships, Open Water Championships, and Masters Championships.

Swimming Canada encourages all provincial and local swimming organizations to follow the directions of their local health authorities regarding the hosting of events, and to take all appropriate steps to mitigate the risks associated with the spread of COVID-19.

For more information, please review the Government of Canada website: