Update Training Schedule due to UofR shutdown

Head Coach

Dear parents and swimmers;

Another update, The University will suspend all users groups until April 30, 2020. That will impact our groups' training schedule. We remain attentive to any change and we will let you know with our plan.

What's new:

  1. All groups will train at the Lawson**
  2. All groups will finish at 6 pm (Dry Land from 6 pm to 6:30 pm will be canceled)
  3. Junior Dev A: No Thursday pm swim for now. We are working to replace it with a Dry Land session.
  4. Prospect: No Saturday am.

**As long as the Lawson still open, all groups will train at the Lawson. If the Lawson close, all training groups will be suspended until further notice.


Message sent (March 12, 2020 at 4:56pm)

Dear parents and swimmers;

Swimming Canada just announced that all competitors between March 16 to April 20 will be postponed or canceled to follow the directives from the Government to restrict the gatherings of more than 250 people. (read the article)

For now, our groups do not exceed 50 swimmers at the same training time. we will keep our training schedule as planned for all groups; and as I said; We will follow the federal and the provincial health authorities, swimming Canada for any restrictions for training and activities.

We have to do our part, wash our hands and sanitizer frequently. We will have a table with the sanitizer at the entrance of the pool. But we also ask you to wash your hands before the entrance of the pool. If you feel sick, please stay home to reduce the spread of any type of virus.

Also, University of Regina just post that info: "Contrary to rumours circulating in the community and on social media, there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the University of Regina. We continue to await test results from the Saskatchewan Health Authority regarding two students who were experiencing flu-like symptoms and who have self-isolated. We will provide updates as they become available." University of Regina Facebook post.

To avoid any misinformation and rumours, any change from our team operation or restrictions will come from us, from our email and from our social media. Let's focus on what we can control, do our part and believe that everything will be fine soon if we do our part.

Future events:

Swift Current Meet: Canceled

Staging Camp: Canceled

Olympic Trails / Junior Pan Pacs Trials: Postponed or canceled, more information before April 21st.

Canadian Western Championship: Canceled

Open Water event: Postponed or canceled, more information before April 21st. But we will not participate.

**Will be a credit for ManSask and a full refund for Olympic Trials. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Your Head Coach & General Manager