Murph Challenge

Office Information

Month of June Virtual program Changes


1.Last month of the virtual program

2.Monthly fitness challenge “Progression of the Murph Challenge”

  • What is the Murph Challenge?
    • 1 Mile run
    • 100 Pullups (substituted by 100 Tricep Dips)
    • 200 Push ups
    • 300 squats
    • 1 Mile run
  • Week 1
    • 400m  run
    • 25 Tricep Dips
    • 50 Push ups
    • 75 Squats
    • 400m run
  • Week 2
    • 800m Run
    • 50 Tricep Dips
    • 100 Push ups
    • 150 squats
    • 800m Run
  • Week 3
    • 1200m Run
    • 75 Tricep Dips
    • 150 Push ups
    • 225 Squats
    • 1200m Run
  • Week 4
    • 1600m Run
    • 100 Tricep Dips
    • 200 Push ups
    • 300 Squats
    • 1600m Run
  • Each week the swimmers record their time and submit it to us. We will publish top 10 of the week


3.Wednesday motivational talks will be substituted by Inside with Brett Hawke’s Podcasts

a.Swimmers will be put into groups

b.Each group will listen to a podcast

c.The group will present the Bio and their findings about the swimmer being talked about in the podcast

4.Wednesday Game nights will be opened to all virtual program packages. (A, B and C packages)

5.Thursday group projects will be substituted by an American Idol style talent show

a.Following the month of May’s learn something new skills the group has voted for the best 8 skills presented through out the month

b.For the month of June, these “best 8” skills will work on bringing something more advanced by the end of the month

c.The progression will look like this

i.Week 1

1.Athlete will tell us their plan

ii.Week 2

1.Athlete will show us the start of their project

iii.Week 3

1.Athlete will show us the “almost done” product

iv.Week 4

1.Athlete will present the finished product

6.Friday 3:30pm workouts will be done with all groups together every two weeks

7.Friday Game nights will be cancelled due to a lot of families going away for the weekends and low participation numbers