Thank you Daniel Gomez.

Office Information
Message from Daniel Gomez
Hi everyone,
Not sure if everyone knows but I have been applying to the Regina City Police for 3 years now and this time around I was able to get in. I wanted to send out an email earlier this week, but I decided to wait until I announced it to the swimmers. I would like to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to be part of the Regina Optimist Dolphins and the Cougars swim team. In the past 8 years the team has given me a lot of opportunities as an athlete and as a coach. I can say that without these opportunities I wouldn't have been able to get into the police. It is a bitter sweet moment for me as I am sad to be leaving the RODS and the community I have been a part of for so long but also happy that I can start the next phase of my life. I hope that I was able to make an impact not only with the swimmers but also with parents and staff in my time here. I know the situation is hard right now, but I also know that no matter the challenges the Regina Dolphins face you will get through them. I will still be available for questions through the next few months and since I will be training at the University as well, I will probably see a lot of you around there. Again, thank you for all the opportunities and I will see you soon