Back to the Pool and Bingo information

Head Coach

Dear Parents;

Below some important information, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Start Swimming: 

The Lawson pool will open next week (July 13th), you will receive more information before Wednesday on the schedule and who will be invited for the 1st part of the re-opening pool as we have limited space under the new safety procedures.

Contact us for more information: [email protected]

Back to the pool: Parents & Swimmers Presentation 

Thursday, July 16th, the head coach will host a zoom meeting at 5 pm 

Contact us for more information: [email protected]

2020-21 Registration will open on Thursday, July 16th

Contact us for more information: [email protected]


Bingo Information:

The province will be opening the bingo halls soon. Joseph from Bingo Palace has sent me the dates for July August and September. We are unsure exactly when we will be starting, but I would like to have all the spots filled as soon as we can just to be ready.  There will be no Exhibition this year and Rider games are extremely unlikely, so please sign in to your RODS account and sign up for bingo shifts!  The dates we have are July 2nd,5th,12th,16th, and 29th. August 2nd,11th,19th, and 29th. September 7th,17th,19th, and 27th. If you have any questions please email Matt or me at [email protected]

Thank you and stay safe.
Leigh Spence