RODS Staycation Raffle 2021!

Head Coach

RODS Staycation Raffle 2021!



We are excited to share with you your next opportunity to raise money for your personal fundraising account! 


We are SUPPORTING LOCAL and have put together an ultimate STAYCATION package that supports our local economy!  We have had generous donations from the Delta Hotel, Damara Spa, and Victoria’s Tavern!


We are providing 2 books of 15 tickets to every family who opted in to fundraise.  Families who have paid out their fundraising may be able to sell tickets if there are any extra books.  If you have sold all of your tickets and would like more, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to accommodate you.  


Please keep track of ALL of the tickets you receive.  We need them all back, sold or unsold, for our SLGA grant!  Any unsold, unreturned tickets will be charged to your account.


VERY IMPORTANT - All tickets must be returned, sold, or unsold, absolutely no later than the week of April 27th!  Exact dates, times, and locations for ticket drop-off will follow.


NOTE:  For this fundraiser, the RODS will retain 25% of sales plus expenses ($350) and the rest will go to personal accounts. 


The winner will be drawn on May 7th, at 6:30 pm at the Lawson Aquatic Center.


Due to COVID restrictions, tickets will be available for pickup at 62 Academy Park Road.  


Please text Andrea at 306-533-7687 or email [email protected] and she will make sure your tickets are in her mailbox before you arrive.  


Be mindful of others picking up their tickets - be safe! 


Please ensure the left side of the ticket is filled out - keep this part.  Give the right-hand side of the ticket to the purchaser


* Tickets can be sold from April 1 - April 27142420 Regina Optimist Dolphin Swim Club Raffle Tickets.png