Message to RODS Officials

Office Information
Hello Swimming Parents,

Swim meets are an essential part of the sport of swimming, allowing athletes to test their skill and reach their swimming goals!  Unfortunately, the RODS have not been able to host any swim meets this year.  In a regular season, you would receive volunteer points for working shifts at a swim meet.  This year, we would like to encourage you to get certified as an official by offering volunteer points for taking courses. 

Swimming officials implement the technical and administrative rules of swimming and ensure the competition is fair for all athletes. Officials’ positions are filled by volunteers including parents, family members, and individuals dedicated to the sport of swimming.  To qualify as a swim official, individuals attend clinics, receive on-deck training, and are certified by Swim Saskatchewan. 

Officiating at meets relies heavily on parents participating as officials. In fact, a swim meet will not run without the assistance of certified parents. Many parents complete the Level 1 Introduction to Officiating Clinic and the Stroke and Turn Clinic and spend their time on deck as Timers, Head Lane Timers, Stroke Judges or Turn Judges. However, all volunteers are encouraged to move beyond these entry-level positions. Being certified beyond these positions will add variety to the volunteer experience and help fill an ever-present need to develop deck officials. 

If you are registered as an Official, you can do the following e-Modules on the Swim Canada website: Intro to Officiating (Timekeeper), Safety Marshall, Chief Timekeeper and Clerk of Course.  We encourage you to get certified this season, so that you will be ready to officiate when we can, hopefully, host swim meets for the 2021-2022 season.
In order to receive your volunteer points, we ask that you take one of the courses and provide proof that you have successfully completed the course.  Points will then be added to your volunteer account. 
RODS Volunteer Points will be awarded as follows:
The following 4 e-modules are currently offered on the Swim Canada website:
Intro to Officiating (Timekeeper) – 30 points
Safety Marshall – 20 points
Chief Timekeeper – 40 points
Clerk of Course – 70 points
Swim Sask hopes to offer other courses virtually this spring/summer.  Those courses could include:
Judge of Stroke/Inspector of Turns Clinic – 50 points
Chief Finish Judge/Chief Judge Electronics/Recorder Scorer – 100 points
Meet Manager – 100 points
Starter – 60 points