Notice of SAGM

Office Information

Notice of SAGM

Date:  Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 @ 6:30pm 

Location:  Virtual Zoom Meeting

The objectives of this meeting are as follows:

  • Presentation of the operating budget for the 2021-22 season.
  • Adoption of any Handbook updates (including meet and fee surcharge updates) for 2021-2022
  • Election of open Board positions for the 2021–2023 seasons
    • ​Nominations for open Board positions are being accepted
    • Nominees for Executive Board positions must have served on the Board for 2 years
    • Nominees for President must have served on the executive

Also, because this will be a virtual online meeting, please note the following:

  • We will send the Zoom link 24h before the SAGM
  • Your screen name for the Zoom meeting should include your First and Last name.
  • If you have any trouble during the meeting please text (306) 209-1100
  • There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the meeting.


  1. Call to order & opening remarks - (Jim Syrgiannis, President)
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Adoption of the 2020 AGM minutes
  4. Presidents Report 
  5. Treasurer’s Report - the adoption of 2021-2022 budget – (Cindy Knudsen, Treasurer - A. Tissira, Head Coach/GM)
  6. Head Coach Report
  7. Adoption of Handbook Changes (including Meet and Fee surcharges) 2021-2022 - one minor change to schedule of Election of Officers
  8. New Business 
  9. Adjournment

Election of Officers:

The following positions are open for nominations:

  • Term renewal - President: (Currently held by Jim Syrgiannis) Nominee(s): Erin Harlos
  • Mid Term Vacancy - Vice President: (Vacated by Erin Harlos) Appointee(s): Andrea Axelson
  • Term renewal - Secretary: (Currently held by Kim Hebert) Nominee(s): Natasha Coleman
  • Term renewal - Director at Large/ Fundraising: (Currently held by Andrea Axelson). Nominee(s): CK Tan
  • Term renewal - Director at Large: (Currently held by Cory Britton) Nominee(s):