
Head Coach

Heyo, Here’s something to think about on this chilly January morning… (Seriously… it’s like icicle-finger season at my house this month…) What are the guardrails you have for your swimming? The things that keep you on track and focused on improvement and getting the most of yourself? The things that keep you on track with your goals? I’ve found that my own guardrails have been more important than ever over the past ten months. With all the doubt, all the changes, all the uncertainty, my guardrails have provided a sense...

Office Information

Swimmers & Parents Conference Thursday, January 14th, 2020 7:30 pm (30-40 minutes) Virtual Presentation (Zoom Link below) Presented by: Cole Pratt National Record Holder (Cole Bio) "Cole Pratt is one of the best Canadian swimmers, his work ethic, commitment, and life-balance is incredible; he will share with us some of the great things that helped him of being successful and in the right pathway" I hope to "see" all members in the zoom call Thursday 7:30 pm Regina Dolphins Swim Team is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic:...

Office Information

Hello, RODS families! We are ready to kick off an exciting new fundraising opportunity for you and for the club! To keep things safe and distanced we have decided to do an ONLINE 50/50. There is no ticket or money collection, it is easy to send the information to families and friends and the jackpot can be seen online in real-time as it grows!

Office Information Draw: January 29, 5:30 pm at the Lawson Hello, RODS families! We are ready to kick off an exciting new fundraising opportunity for you and for the club! To keep things safe and distanced we have decided to do an ONLINE 50/50. There is no ticket or money collection, it is easy to send the information to families and friends and the jackpot can be seen online in real-time as it grows! PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY AS IT HAS IMPORTANT DETAILS FOR YOU. We are using Echolotto for...

Head Coach

Hello, And welcome to this week’s installment of why being process-oriented is going to help you become a faster swimmer! I’ve talked a lot about the process in this newsletter, on my blog, and of course, in my mental training workbook Conquer the Pool: The Swimmer’s Ultimate Guide to a High-Performance Mindset. Being all about the process is a way to speed towards your goals in the pool, and in this email I wanted to talk a little bit about the process, how it can help you swim better, and...

Head Coach

Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Wednesday, November 25, 2020 The main objective of this meeting will be to review and approve the RODS year-end financial statements. Any additions to the agenda can be made at the meeting. Time: 7pm to 8pm AGENDA: Meeting call to order Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Minutes from June 2020 SAGM Adoption of year-end Financial Statement (Aug 31, 2020) President’s Report Head Coach Report Adjournment Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting. Your screen name for the Zoom meeting should include your First and Last name. Voting will...

Head Coach

Full Results

Head Coach

Hello, the club needs your help. The bingo dates that we have at Bingo Palace are: October 8, 18, 25 and 29 : 530pm-12am November: 3 and 26 530pm-12am 11 and 22 1130 am-6pm December 4, 7, 23 and 29 530-12 The RODS split them into 530pm-830pm and 830pm-12am or 1130am-230pm and 230pm-6pm and we need at least 3 people on the floor at a time. The money made helps the club but most of it goes directly to your swim account to pay for fees. Bingo Palace has set...

Office Information

Sept 26, 2020 Newsletter

Head Coach
