
Head Coach

Message from the President: As you are all aware, our normal swim team activities have been suspended due to the COVID 19 health emergency. The RODS Board members, together with the coaching staff, have been working hard to devise a comprehensive plan of action to keep our Dolphins Swim Team viable and active during this difficult time. Our coaches have been working hard in the interim to connect with your athletes, keep them engaged, and provide them a variety of programming. A number of difficult decisions have been made to...

Head Coach

Dear parents and swimmers; Even if the Lawson pool remains open for the moment, we feel that our Team should take further action and do our part to reduce the spread “Flattening the curve” and keep our athletes, staff, and families healthy. We decided to suspend all training for the next 2 weeks for all age group swimmers except 9 Olympic Trials qualifying swimmers. The decision was difficult but made in the best interest of our athletes, staff and our families. Our action to suspend for 2 weeks will help...

Head Coach

Dear parents and swimmers; Another update, The University will suspend all users groups until April 30, 2020. That will impact our groups' training schedule. We remain attentive to any change and we will let you know with our plan. What's new: All groups will train at the Lawson** All groups will finish at 6 pm (Dry Land from 6 pm to 6:30 pm will be canceled) Junior Dev A: No Thursday pm swim for now. We are working to replace it with a Dry Land session. Prospect: No Saturday am....

Head Coach

Dear parents and swimmers; Swimming Canada just announced that all competitors between March 16 to April 20 will be postponed or canceled to follow the directives from the Government to restrict the gatherings of more than 250 people. (read the article) For now, our groups do not exceed 50 swimmers at the same training time. we will keep our training schedule as planned for all groups; and as I said; We will follow the federal and the provincial health authorities, swimming Canada for any restrictions for training and activities. We...

Head Coach

Dear parents and swimmers; I know that there are many questions and concerns about COVID-19. We are aware of the situation and we want the best for our athletes and staff. We also want to do our part to reduce the spread of the virus We will follow the federal and the provincial health authorities, swimming Canada and Swim Sask for any restrictions. Our team just went to Winnipeg for the ManSask Championships, we were for the cancellation of the event as proposed by Swim Manitoba and Swim Saskatchewan, the...

Craig Nieuwstad

PreComp News Pride, Discipline, Loyalty, Commitment & Respect ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What’s happening Hello Pre-Comp. We hope you had a successful February and had a good break away from the cold. The upcoming month has a few exciting events for you to take part in and as always we encourage everyone to attend. The Black v. Green meet 5 is coming up this Friday at the U of R and we have a stroke clinic / day clinic 20 March for everyone to attend. Do you have the OnDeck app? Available for...

Head Coach

Heyo! There are things you have no control over in the water. Things like your genetics, natural talent, luck, the competition. But what you do have control over is practice. That chunk of time each day where you step out onto a cold pool deck, read the workout on the whiteboard, hop in the water and churn around the black line for a couple of hours. While you can’t control what the swimmer in the next lane is doing, you do control your mindset. The effort you give. The focus...

Office Information

Dear Parents; We have extended the deadline to hand in your Vegas Raffle tickets so that you have time to sell them over the February break. The following times will be available for ticket and payment drop off: Monday, February 24th at 4:00 and 6:30 - Lawson in the office Tuesday, February 25th at 4:00 and 6:30 - Lawson in the office Wednesday, February 26th at 4:30 and 6:30 - U of R in the foyer outside the pool If you need to arrange another time to drop your tickets...

Head Coach

The Mindset of a Champion Be your own CHAMPION Be the best version of yourself "Champions aren't made in the gym. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision" M.Ali We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Everyone has a talent. You are all talented, different ways, different ability or skills, but everyone is special. What's your number 1 priority? Train it and trust it: 1st step: is to train your talent in practice 2nd...

Craig Nieuwstad

PreComp News Pride, Discipline, Loyalty, Commitment & Respect ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What’s happening Welcome back from the Christmas break. We hope you have had great first month of the year and are excited for upcoming events. In this months newsletter you will find a message from our Head Coach and information on our upcoming event, the Georgina Syrgiannia Swim Marathon. Other events that are on our way include the Black v Green 4, which will have swimmers from Pre-Comp and Prospect having fun learning about racing. As always we encourage all our...